it occured to me when I was on RSDnation, that alot of them don't really know what they are talking about, aside from maybe 1/10 who do though. it can be disheartening to get trolled.
there was one guy who hadnt gotten any success in like 4 years, and he was getting racial abuse etc. so i gave him clean advice.
i have been in pick up for two years, and have gone through pretty much all material and have achieved a good level of success.
if anyone wants free and non-trolling advice, i would like to give back to the community that has helped me very much.
i only do this, because it seems like a waste that i have sifted through so much information, just to be selfish and not try to help others. you can e-mail me at
and ill get back to you
this isnt a scam, im just a normal guy, who wants to help guys who are perhaps as frustrated as i was two years ago,
John CJG
Instead of PMing you, why don't people just post their questions in this forum and everyone discuss it openly, including you? Because right now it looks like a scam (plzzzz email me n I'll give you 30-day free trial dick-pump )
And don't post PUA-advice shit like "read tolle, bro" or "use xyz routine" or "get in state" or "position yourself 25 degree angle". We prefer the no-bullshit, practical, very specific, hard-hitting advices here. Stuff that normal people use.
Hey puahate members,
please help me out. I just dropped this marketing faggots email (superseng59@hotmail.com) into a Zoophy mailing list...please help drop this faggots email address into as many CP/scat/zoof shit you can. BURN THIS MUTHERFUCKERS EMAIL TO THE GROUND PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
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What's your ethnic group / race?
okay, post it here,
i just want remind all of you that yes there are alot of losers in pick up, but some people are willing to help.
in the last 2 years ive met alot of PUAs, and out of maybe 30 or so, 25 turned out to be biggest losers ive ever met. the other 5 are the coolest most succesful, and have become my close friends.
all this negativity.... it doesnt have to be like this. of course im sure the big PUAs dont make it any easier by being so arrogant.
trolling doesnt bother me, if there is one thing ive learnt in game, its unreactivity.
ive recently left RSDnation, because 1) i felt like i had learnt all a person needs to know from game 2) it wasnt worth sifting through all the shit fanboys who clearly have never had sex to get to the 4% of info that was actually a grade amazing ( and yes it was A grade amazing
3) i no longer identify with being a PUA or RSD, i am just living life, albeitly succesfully with women.
i guess i have Koolaid to thank, he has like a million posts of RSDnation, and i thought wow this guy knows what hes talking about. i found out that he is far from being a master PUA and i realized i knew more than most of these people.
my only rule is my refuse to troll. it doesnt help anyone and negativity only breeds negativity.
I'm honestly excited about it. I may despise PU industry, but I'm still longing to get extremely good with women in general without sacrificing being a normal, regular dude (aka not a POOOOOOAAAAAAAH).
Shitty Advice Forum is coming up:
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Ok let's say we'd give you the benefit of the doubt.
What PU
do you think is ok and what is not OK.
PUAhate is like any community, you need to be on here for a while and get acceptance that way.
Some good posters on here, very intelligent people that get laid a lot.
its not as easy as saying what pick up advice is good, and what isnt, it depends on the individual and what level they are at. as a general rule i find that
for everyone download David D cocky comedy, this is really useful i think
for beginners/socially awkward people - probably like juggler method is best
for intermediates i would suggest RSD foundations
then there are two main ways to get really good ( but not just two mind), one is to be a socially calibrated machine i.e mystery method, the other is to have a deep understanding of social dynamics, in which case i suggest RSD the blueprint.
the point is, if you are at a beginner level and you try using MM or the blueprint, it will actually make you worse, rather than better. this is why RSD/MM gets alot of bashing, because the people trying to use it, dont really understand how it works. for example a " neg" should only be used on 9s, 10s not less attractive girls, where it doesnt work, a classic new guy mistake
start small and work out what works for you and what doesnt. be prepared though, its not easy being a PUA, but just a few things here and there help
there is only one article worth reading that summarizes all game actually, by a man named Rewok, i can post it here if you like.
dont let them lie to you though. there's no such thing as a magic pill, this takes a while to really work.
and like anything in life, if you want to achieve, be prepared to put the work in, you have to really want it.
me for example i got my heart stomped bad...... so i was prepared to trade my soul to the devil, so it would never happen again.
i cant help everyone, but ill do my bit and try
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lol your reputation/credibility just dropped to zero, bro.
Sorry but you don't meet the requirements to become a PUAHate guru.
Create a new account and say that all methods are full of shit except 60's. Then we can talk.
By the way what's your laycount?
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Usefull only if you want to end up like this pathetic David-DeAngelo-clown.
Don't know him, sounds like a faggot.
For intermediate weirdos who'd like to end up a full blown weirdo like this ridiculous Owen-Cook-clown.